Lucas Sartori

Lucas Antonio Ramos Sartori - Software Engineer - Ruby on Rails

Hello, I'm Lucas Sartori, a passionate software engineer from Brazil with 8 years of experience developing software, being the last 5 years focused in Ruby on Rails. Before working with Rails I had worked with several types of technologies and languages, for example Angular, Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, Flutter. I'm passionate about coding so I enjoy code in any language and learning new tech. Yes I have a life outside the computer. Something I'm passionate about also is playing with my sons, making jokes, barbecuing with the family and cooking with my sons.


Portuguese - Native
English - Fluent
Spanish - Initial
Italian - Initial
Ukraine - Initial

My Previous Experiences

Senior Software Engineer - Fullstack Labs

NOV 2021 - MAR 2024


Working as a contractor for NoFraud as a Senior Software Engineer, focused on Ruby on Rails, but also working with JQuery and RSpec. developing new features, updating libraries, and also fixing issues. The project on NoFraud had the responsibility to process all the transactions between e-commerces to know if they were fraud or legitim, and also manage chargebacks, and any other type of project that the merchant enabled for the transactions. both companies are from the US but I worked fully remotely from Brazil

Tech Lead Ruby on Rails and Senior Software Engineer - Grupo Euax

JUN 2021 - NOV 2021


Senior Software Engineer and Ruby on Rails teaches leadership of the Twygo product, a project over ten years old, helping the team with questions about the product or problems with the technology and also developing new features and bug fixes. I was leading a team with 4 other Developers The Twygo project aimed to help teachers sell and manage their courses on the platform. The project has the stack: Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Sidekiq, Bootstrap, JQuery, and MySQL

Senior Software Engineer Ruby on Rails - Grupo Euax

DEC 2020 - JUN 2021


Senior Software Engineer of the Twygo product, a project over ten years old, helping the team with questions about the product or problems with the technology and also developing new features and bug fixes. The Twygo project aimed to help teachers sell and manage their courses on the platform. The project has the stack: Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Sidekiq, Bootstrap, JQuery and MySQL

Fullstack Developer - Lets

APR 2019 - NOV 2020

Guarapuava - Pr, Brazil Hybrid

Working with several projects with different stacks each, developing SPA using Angular or Vuejs, and for some projects working in the backend with Rails or NodeJS and also for other projects with Flutter or NativeScript The company is a software house, so this is the reason why there are so many stacks, each project had different stacks and we had to use the correct stack for each project. Here I developed distinct projects for example: - Mobile App in Flutter and NativeScript for belt signature club, and to talk with veterinarians - SPA in Vuejs for ongs: iKone - SPA in Angular to a paper factory - Platform to manage events in Ruby on Rails - API for wind power in NodeJS using Loopback and many other projects

Android Developer - Stape Music

SEP 2018 - APR 2019

Guarapuava - Pr, Brazil Hybrid

I was responsible for developing new features, and bug fixes for the App Stape, which was responsible for listening to the music and helping the musician receive the payment for the music. The entire App was build using Kotlin

Fullstack developer - Teorema Sistemas

JUN 2017 - SEP 2018

Guarapuava - Pr, Brazil On-site

Full-stack developer web and mobile, working with several stacks as Spring Boot on the backend and frontend with Angular, to mobile developments using Kotlin and for the database using MySQL and Firebird. I was also responsible for designing REST API's. Here I rewrote the entire backend from Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) to Spring boot and Kotlin and also did the same for the mobile App to use Kotlin The project here was a ERP


Vladimir StupavskyDirector of Software Development at NoFraud

Lucas is a strong developer that is hard working and a great collaborator. In working with Lucas, he will always go the extra mile to ensure that he provides quality work in a timely fashion. He also works incredibly well with his peers and is often there to help others when there is a difficult issue to resolve. It is also a pleasure to work with Lucas as he is a fun, loving person that often pumps the team up with positivity.

Yoav NativCTO at NoFraud

Working with Lucas at NoFraud was a genuinely uplifting experience. While Lucas is a competent Ruby developer who consistently closed his tickets, his remarkable sense of humor truly set him apart, making him a cherished member of our team. I'm confident that his ongoing development and vibrant personality will make him a valuable asset to any team looking to enhance both their output and workplace atmosphere.

Demetrio GuilardiSenior Android Engineer at Stape Music

Very committed, always does his best and is eager to learn. He is the type of person who wears the shirt, we can always count on him for everything.


Open-Source Projects


The uButeco was built to help restaurants and bars to manage the orders and the stock, the project has also real-time panels for the kitchen, multi-level for the users, UI customization for the user, everything under the MIT. The project is using ruby on rails as full API REST with postgresql, cancancan, devise, redis, carrierwave, paranoia, argon2 and many other libraries. In the frontend is using Angular with NgRX, Angular Material and many other libraries.

Repositories: Backend Frontend


My Education Degrees

Specialization In Web And Mobile Applications - Specialization DegreeUniguairacá Centro Universitário2019 - 2021 - Guarapuava - Brazil

The course was focused on knowing new technologies and improving the technologies that I already know, here I could go deeper into Ruby on Rails to learn more about the features of this framework, and also improve my front-end and mobile side working with Kotlin, Flutter and Angular

Internet Systems Technology - Technology DegreeFederal University Of Technology - Paraná2014 - 2019 - Guarapuava - Brazil

The course focused on building full-stack developers for web and mobile applications using several technologies, where I could learn about Ruby on Rails, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Javascript, CSS, Angular, Laravel, MySQL, Postgres and many other technologies

Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná - Brazil